
Primer bocado
Click our dishes and drinks to learn more about their origin and processing
First bite
De la huerta
From the garden
Nuestras carnes del Valle de los Pedroches
Our meats from Valle de Los Pedroches
Our meats come from animals that are born and raised free-range in the Valle de los Pedroches Dehesa. Our cooperative model lets us guarantee the highest levels of traceability, quality and animal welfare.
Momento Dulce

Wines and Spirits

  • Orujo Cream Liqueur
    4,15 €
  • Herbal Liqueur
    4,15 €
  • Coffee Liqueur
    4,15 €
  • Pacharán
    4,15 €

Menu - Breakfasts

Para empezar bien el día
A great start to the day
We collect the milk from our farms every day to guarantee maximum quality and freshness.
*You can choose any of our milks (cow´s,sheep´s,goat´s or lactose-free)


  • Eggs
  • Dairy (milk, dairy products/derivatives, lactose)
  • Peanuts
  • Nuts: Unshelled and shelled tree nuts
  • Soybeans
  • Sesame
  • Gluten
  • Sulphite
  • Pickle
  • eafood
This business handles the following allergens. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that all dishes will contain no traces of gluten, eggs, milk and dairy products/derivates including lactose, tree nuts, sesame, soybeans, mustard, celery and sulphites.