Purity from the very source

All products by this brand come from 100% Ibérico pigs, registered in a genealogical book. This superior breed is magnificently suited for producing Ibérico pork products with a special texture, due to its free-range rearing and its diet based on acorns in our pasturelands.
The nutrition of our animals determines the two superior categories of Ibérico Pork Hams and shoulders that we offer under this brand: Acorn-fed, based on grasses, thyme, broom plants and acorns during the fattening stage; and Grass-fed, based on wheat, corn and barley and free to roam on the pasturelands.

At COVAP, we impeccably prepare each piece, from its origin to its aging in the curing house and its fully natural curing. The salt used to make our Pork Hams comes from the Odiel salt flats, a natural park in the Huelva marshlands. Following the artisanal tradition of yesteryear, controlled by our Master Pork Ham Makers, so that each Pork Ham is at its best during the entire curing process, thus obtaining a unique product with the maximum quality.



Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Shoulder Alta Expresión

Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham Alta Expresión [Deboned]
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Shoulder Alta Expresión [Deboned]


Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Loin Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Caña de presa Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Chorizo Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Salchichón Alta Expresión
Sliced 70G.

Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Loin Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Chorizo Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Salchichón Alta Expresión
Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Shoulder Alta Expresión

At COVAP, we impeccably prepare each piece, from its origin to its aging in the curing house and its fully natural curing.

This is the Alta Expresión Grass-fed 100% Ibérico product range


Grass-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Ham Alta Expresión [Deboned]
Grass-fed 100% Ibérico Pork Shoulder Alta Expresión [Deboned]